Our Forging Unit Capacity
One of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Automobile components, agriculture parts, steel forgings, closed die forgings, open die forgings.
Emerson forge has a material Manufacturing Range from 1 Kg. to 60 kg. / piece with Size 350 mm OD & 450 mm Length. We have an Installed capacity of 9000 MTPA of Carbon, alloy, Copper and Stainless steel raw material.

Our Plant is equipped with following productions and inspection facilities:
- Forge shop with 3 Ton, 2 Ton and 1 Ton Hammer
- Temperature controlled Heating furnaces, with maximum temperature 1350 Deg Cent for 3 Ton, 2 Ton Hammer and 300KWA Induction billet heater for 1 Ton Hammer
- Die shop with VMC, Shaping, milling and heavy latch machines
- Cutting shop with Shearing and Automatic bandsaw machine
- Shot blasting facility.
- Heat Treatment Shop with Continuous type gas fired Furnaces with temperature upto 1100 Deg. Optimise microstructure, machinability, and mechanical properties. The furnaces are utilised in Normalizing, ISO annealing & Harening & Tempering.
- Spectrometer for Chemical analysis of steel grades
- AC/HWDC Electro Magnetic Yoke
- Jominy Test Apparatus
- Mechanical Testing Laboratory: Hardness Testing, Ys, Ts, % of elongation, reduction of area and Impact test
- Machining Shop with latest CNC and VMC machines